Summer 2024 Schedule - Coming Soon!

College of Business Tutoring Center

The College of Business Tutoring Center offers fully remote advising utilizing Microsoft Teams or on-campus advising in AD 230.

The Writing Center and Supplemental Instruction for the College of Business is also housed in AD 230!

Tutoring is available for the following College of Business courses:

  • ACC 2010, 2020, 3090, 3400, 3510, 3520, 4510
  • BUS 1850, 2250, 3040
  • CIS 1010, 2010, CIS 3300, CIS 3320
  • ECO 2010, ECO 2020
  • FIN 3100, FIN 3300, FIN3600, FIN 3850
  • 本2210
  • MKT 3000